What goes up a chimney down but can't go down a chimney up?
That joke was funnier when I was 12. Ah well...
So I was using my umbrella the other day and my hair was getting wet. Which I'm pretty sure means that my umbrella is no longer keeping me dry. I still love it, but since that's really its sole purpose, I figured it may be time for a new one. And then...an email all about the cutest umbrellas ever popped into my inbox and I had to share some of their finds...
The Strawberry Shortcake umbrella...
The Twilight Umbrella...
But my personal favourite, which I found at umbrellas.com is this pink polka-dot clear umbrella.
But is it worth the exchange and shipping? Maybe it's better to just stay inside on days that it rains...
Winners is a great place for cute, yet affordable, umbrellas. I have one from there that is teal blue with white polka-dots and I'm fairly certain it only cost me $12. Oh, and it's a sturdy, cane-type umbrella, which means I can't fold it up and pop it in my purse, but it never gets turned inside out in the wind.
No shipping charges required!
Good tip! I am always swayed by the H&M umbrellas, but I just know they'll turn inside out after one use.
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